Lately, I've been extremely bored of the internet. All the social media sites are sharing the same content and it's not even good. Truly spending more than 5 minutes on Instagram and I feel my brain melting out of my ears and that's the best site for me.
That being said, I've allowed my site here to languish. I keep thinking "oh, it'd be cool if I built up my site!" but I never actually think far enough to actually consider the content. A good offline but online friend of mine has been very active on her site (cloudcover) and it's been a joy to follow along. I'm very keen on her growing collection of retired Bath & Body Works' teen product lines.
So, with her as my inspiration, I've come back. I've always been a bit cagey and weird about sharing my hobbies (do people care?) and I'm trying to grow out of that. This is a good chance for me to just share my hobbies, even if it's just with myself.
I've changed up the site a little bit (sorry my personal design aesthetics like counter to the maximilist retro-internet aesthetics, even if I love them so much) and added a couple more sections and some art.
Specifically, looking to expand my "museum" section. Originally, I was thinking it would kind of be like a collecton of shrines, but it's mostly a place where I've got a lot of text about the things I like. I'd like to expand it a bit, maybe with some illustrations. I've also gotten into BL this year and am learning a LOT of new, arcane Japanese 18+ vocabulary and thought that perhaps someone, someday might benefit from an English-Japanese BL Vocab list. Perhaps that single person is only me.